Thursday, August 30, 2018

Things That Make Me Mad

There are a lot of things in life that make me mad! So many things!

(The order of this list is not of any significance)

1. Bag "full" of chips

Half the bag is just air! I always think there are chips filled up to the top, but there isn't. I'm especially furious when I'm hungry because I have to get another bag to satiate my hunger.

2. Vending machine snack gets stuck!

My snack is on the tip of the shelf, but it's not falling... I hit against the glass, but the snack doesn't budge. Discouraged, I put in another $1.25 to hopefully get two snacks and not feel like I wasted my money. The first snack falls, but the second one is the one that gets stuck now. When I finally walk away from the machine, I end up with 5 of the same snack.

3. No more of limited sauce at Buffalo Wild Wings (BWW)

My favorite days of the week are Tuesday and Thursday. Why? On Tuesday, traditional chicken wings at BWW are half the price, and on Thursday, boneless wings are half the price. My usual order consists of 20 wings (traditional or boneless depending on the day).

These are the usual sauces I get, and how much of each I get:
Asian Zing (8)
Honey Barbecue (7)
Teriyaki (5)

But sometimes, there are special sauces that only come out for a limited amount of time. These sauces also have a limited supply; it's first come first serve. Out of those special sauces, the one that keeps me up at night is the Korean Barbecue sauce. This sauce is delicious. I was lucky enough to get a taste this one day because it wasn't busy at the restaurant. Ever since, whenever I ask for this special sauce, they never have it! This is because I always go to BWW after school, and the sauce runs out.

If they had Korean Barbecue, this would be my order of 20 wings:
Korean Barbecue (8)
Asian Zing (7)
Honey Barbecue (5)

Sadly, this order hasn't been made for 3 months :(

4. Spotify Ads

I like to listen to music. Most of the time, I listen to music on Spotify, which is a great app that allows users to stream songs for free. However, every about 2 or 3 songs, there's always an ad. Most of these ads are promoting Spotify Premium, which allows users to listen to songs ad-free and offline. Spotify Premium is amazing, but I'm not paying $10 a month to listen to music. There's about 3 or 4 ads that Spotify recycles to promote Premium, and it's gotten on my nerves a little bit. But as I think about the songs I get to listen to free, I calm down and become thankful.

The other portion of ads is like any other ad you see on television. One day, you might hear a Wendy's ad and another a Toyota ad. In this pool of ads, there's nothing that makes me more infuriated than scary movie trailers. After a tiring day, all I want to do is lie down, put my earbuds in, and chill out to my favorite playlists. While listening, I suddenly hear screaming and the creepy narrator voice in every scary movie trailer; I quickly take my earbuds out and throw them as far as I can. At that moment, I'm irate; all I was doing was trying to relax, and now I had to go to sleep with the lights on.

5. WiFi is one bar only, and you can't use LTE (data)

Hopefully, I'm not the only one that experienced this situation: I'm walking on the street (usually on the U of I Campus), and my phone has one bar of WiFi. A WiFi signal with one bar does absolutely nothing for you. A WiFi with one signal is a hoax: you think there's actually WiFi, but there isn't; you've been deceived by IllinoisNet.

Whenever, this happens, I have to turn my WiFi off, so I can use my data and continue playing Pokemon Go.

6. My morning alarm ringtone

I still have the default Apple alarm ringtone, and I detest the sound it makes. It's 7 am in the morning, and every time I hear that dreadful sound, I wish I could turn it off with my mind. I can barely open my eyes–probably still between the state of dreaming and living. Thinking about it now, I probably wouldn't be as mad if I went to sleep earlier.

Looking back at what I just wrote, I sound spoiled and egotistical.

On a more serious note, my philosophy is that there has to be moments that provoke negative emotions in people. If nothing makes someone mad or sad, how will someone know what makes him or her happy? We must have a mixture of emotions to distinguish what makes us happy.

Always being happy will make you lose a sense of what's supposed to be happy. Yeah, it would be convenient for me to turn my alarm off with my mind, but if I can do things like that, then would I consider anything to make me mad? If everything goes the way I want it to go, then life would be very predictable and bland. What do you think?

What are some things that make you mad? Comment down below (along with what you're supposed to comment)!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I found your post very relatable but also educational! I didn't know that BWW had half off wings on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but will definitely keep that in mind when I go in the future.
    I think the point that you made about having to feel some degree of negative emotions in order to know what happiness is is something we don't think about very much, but something we should definitely keep in mind when we get frustrated.

  3. What makes me mad? Hm... Maybe I'm just in a good mood today, but I can't think of anything! I will let this sit in my brain and come back when something strikes me. I know there are things, but nothing is coming to me right now.

  4. Wow the part about Spotify ads struck home. I used to make a new account every 3 months just so I could get the $0.99 for 3 months of Premium deal, but I stopped keeping up and am now spending $10 a month for it. It's soooo worth not listening to the annoying ads though! I appreciate how you chose to end this essay, and I agree completely. There can be no highs if there are no lows and it's important to come to terms with that!! I really enjoyed this blog post, I laughed and related a lot.

  5. The first two options are the bane of my existence. I have been battling the vending machines since subbie year, and I have yet to have a seamless vending machine experience where I receive a bag of chips that did not get stuck and is not half-air. On a related note, here is a link to a story about a few Korean students who made a raft out of half-filled chip bags:

  6. Vending Machines getting stuck really speaks to me. When I was a subbie, I would usually only bring a dollar or two to school every day, meaning I only had one shot at getting the Famous Amos or Skittles that I craved so dearly. It seemed to get stuck every single time!

    On a side note, chips are sold by mass, not volume, so you're getting a fair deal for the chips. It's not like they're scamming you by putting in air. The opposite, actually--the nitrogen gas inside is used to preserve your chips and not make them turn all soggy. Source:

  7. I did think about it and couldn't come up with anything small and annoying, though I know there are things (like people not using their turn signals when they drive––that's one). But the big things that make me mad are when political leaders make decisions based on what's best for their rich and powerful donors rather than for the citizens they're supposed to be representing. But that's too big and heavy and doesn't fit with the light tone of your post... so I guess I'll stick with non-turn-signal-using drivers!

  8. I like the way you write in a list, it made this really fun to read. I also think that at the end where you say that maybe it's important to have things that make you mad because then other things make you happier is interesting because these little things honestly keep life engaging. Although, the spotify ads used to get so repetitive I'd have them memorized and that was not super engaging.

  9. Oh god the vending machines. The flip side of this is one time there was extra stuff in the bottom of the machine that I got to eat! The thing that most annoys me is people using "peak my interest" instead of "pique my interest" and people saying "phased" instead of "fazed". Grammar has the capacity to fray my nerves.
